
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The 10,000 names of vomit

One goal in life I could skip out on is to live in a world where projectile vomiting is a spectator sport. And just what would they be aiming at anyway… Turning on ESPN to catch the San Diego Hurlers vs. the Pittsburg Blue Chip Specials is not why I pay my cable bill each month. But just in case you were wondering, yes there is a webpage for everything, including My favorite; a tossup between “Anti-Poop” and “Pavement Pizza.”

Anyway, Diabetes Mine included a link to this page on gluten intolerance, which in turn pointed out some of symptoms and yes, I do have a rash (and not the kind that’s fun to get either) along with many of the other symptoms listed, including a tendency toward “involuntary personal protein spills.”

So it’s one more thing for the Doc to eliminate when I go back on the thirtieth. Considering how many foods I’ve just given up, to dump wheat completely is just cruel, so I really hope the symptoms are just a coincidence.

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