Only a week to go until my appointment with the Doctor where he’ll reveal my various blood test results; I feel like there should be a drum roll and pretty girl standing in front of a curtain.
What I am doing is starting to get organized to make sure I know all the right questions to ask the Doc. And that is a problem. It seems that neither my readings nor the way I’ve been feeling match up with what any of the books say should be happening. It is, well, disconcerting for someone like me, who dealt with the emotional impact of the diagnoses by researching, testing and recording the results to see my BG results come in and make as little sense as they have.
I can eat a high carb meal and be in the one eighties, a low carb meal the next day and be in the mid two hundreds. Worse, the exact same meal will peak as much as a hundred points off of the prior reading. I exercise (and always have) and, on average, I find that I go up thirty points during the hour when I should be going down. I wake either low, or high, and either stay there or not. I’ve gone a week without a fasting reading under one hundred and twenty, and another without a reading over ninety. A week or so into my testing I ate a large plate of Pasta, just to see what would happen, and I dropped from the one seventies to the one fifties in less than an hour. A week later I switched to the low-carb (Dreamfields, and it is quite tasty) pasta, had a large portion, and did fine, the next day I ate a smaller portion of leftovers and took off like a moon rocket.
As much as they argue about target numbers, all the books and all the experts agree on the correlation between diet and blood sugar, but in my case it just doesn’t show in the numbers.
Last Friday, while getting more blood drawn, I went to the urgent care across the hall simply because I’d gone a week being utterly exhausted, unable to accomplish anything worthwhile at work, with a constant low grade headache, dizziness and numbness in my toes. Turned out I was dehydrated, they gave me some water in an I.V. and sent me home, feeling better, but it didn’t last.
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